It was extremely difficult and there were times I felt like maybe I had made a mistake accepting this task but after hours of slowly chipping away at each little problem we actually have new animations for a new weapon. After doing the missing animations for the creatures I decided I could tackle the player rig. Our players rig was created before my time and has lay dormant for as long as I can remember. I have spent the last month diving deep into our players rig so that we can get a new weapon in the game. Some of the world items were ridiculously large, so I sanitised them a bit. I also did some minor project polish on some items in the game like Icon poses and world item scalings. Spence is in the process of finalising the function and Splatt has been slaving away on the animations so it looks right when used by the player in the game.

It’s been a pleasure to work on and cam up nicely. We wanted to create something that looks like it’s been manufactured but with our own design twist. We will soon have a Rocket Launcher! I’ve been hard at work designing this bad boy which is loosely based off 2 existing rocket launcher designs. I’ve been working on this beast the last few weeks. Wipe wise I will probably create a longer wipe time server as it will be lasting a couple months before a forced wipe. Servers will be less granular region based and more varied on things like wipe times. Doesn’t make sense to have tons of half empty servers, so we will be consolidating things next wipe. With the quiet of that breathing space comes a decent drop in player numbers as we would expect. I personally welcome the breathing space.
This patch won’t be going out until the end of November, firstly because we need the time to iron out remaining bugs and finish up some content, but also because there is a ton more people playing games around end of year holidays and its a good time for a launch. Hurtworld V2 1.0 sounds dumb enough to work lets go with that.
We kinda put ourselves in a corner naming and update in Early Access V2. The next update will be the launch from early access, early access exit, V2 Version 1.0 whatever you want to call it. Its an ongoing fight but people seem to have finally gotten the message that exploits aren’t going to fly anymore. I’m happy to say with some new detection techniques and some heavy bans we have completely eradicated people using rock exploits from the game. Progress on the rocket launcher is going well, delving into animation for the first time since Dazzler was part of the team has been a mission, I kinda wish we did it earlier as we’re regaining a lot of skills that would have been handy while choosing which content to develop over the last couple of years. So far I’ve mainly been working on long standing annoying bugs that I’ve put off for ever as they didn’t seem that important, I’m still not entirely convinced that this is time well spent but also can’t picture exiting early access with a bunch of broken stuff still in the game regardless of whether it actually affects anyone’s enjoyment. You can find yours here.Work is progressing well on the things I spoke about in the last dev blog. In this instance, it sets the host port, query port, server name and adds an admin -nographics runs the server headless, so uses less resources.Hurtworld.exe is run from the c:\servers\hurtworld folder.Hurtworld.exe -batchmode -nographics -exec "host 12871 queryport 12881 servername My New Server addadmin " -logfile "gamelog.txt" You can change this directory to wherever you like.
This will download all the install files to c:\servers\hurtworld.

You need to run this command from where you have steamcmd.exe located. Steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir C:\servers\hurtworld +login anonymous +app_update 405100 validate +quit Once you have SteamCMD on your computer, we recommend setting up a batch file to update HurtWorld. To configure a Hurtworld Server, you must download steamcmd.exe. You can run the server normally, or in headless mode (without graphics). You can host a dedicated server for Hurtworld or rent one from a game server provider that can host one for you.